Sales Enquiries

Discover how to fulfill your enquiries & orders.

Get a Quote!

If you need a quote from us, please write to and we will reply to your enquiry in 1~2 business days.

Yes! We do accept Purchase Orders.

Submit Your Order

When you have your purchase order ready, you may:

Email to:
for optimal service

In order to set up your account and process the order, all purchase orders must include:

  • Contact name, phone number and email (in case we have any questions).
  • Accounts payable name, phone number and email (we send out your invoice by email, so a valid email address is required to process your order).
  • A purchase order number.
  • Billing and shipping address.
  • Clearly stated item name, unit cost, and quantity needed.
  • Please allow 1 to 2 business days for us to set up your account and process your order.
  • Please do not send in duplicate orders. Email us at if you are unsure of your order status.
  • We welcome orders from schools, either paying by credit card or by invoice (cheques and bank transfer accepted by this method). There is no additional admin charge for orders placed by credit card or invoice/purchase order for payment via BACS or cheque.

Trusted Resellers

amc, asm, breckland, cbc, Elementary Technology, IDNS, novatech, PWD